Church of Ireland cleric suggests jointly run schools
Revd Ian Ellis, Secretary of the General Synod Board of Education (NI), has written in the Belfast Telegraph suggesting jointly run schools (12th August).
"Schools run jointly by the Protestant and Catholic churches could help to build a shared future in Northern Ireland," he said. The leader article agreed, saying that the school proposals, 'could be the way forward'.
"They already share classes and other resources but the proposal would see institutions run with an overarching Christian ethos but separate teaching for Catholic sacraments and other doctrinal differences," the Revd Ellis said. "It is a thought that has worked elsewhere. It is an idea that is worth considering."
He commented that too many rural schools were being closed and their pupils bussed to towns when amalgamating Protestant and Catholic centres could preserve local education.
A study for the Integrated Education Fund found strong backing for integrated education in supporting a shared future. Currently Catholic and Protestant schools collaborate in delivering some classes, like ICT, but the management structures remain separate.
Revd Ellis is also secretary of the Transferor Representatives' Council which helps oversee Protestant education.
Read the Belfast Telegraph article in full here.
Read the Belfast Telegraph leader article here