• 29 August 2011

New Training Programme for those working with Vulnerable Adults

Parishes may be interested in the Volunteer Now 2011 and 2012 Training for Adult Safeguarding. This training is a nine hour (1.5 day) programme and is certificated, not expensive and good value for money.

It is being offered in a range of venues across N. Ireland and places are limited so early booking would be essential.

The training would be appropriate for those workers, in any parish, engaged in any of the following types of activities with vulnerable adults:

  • Pastoral visiting teams for the elderly

  • Luncheon club for the elderly

  • Counselling service for those suffering mental illness

  • Support group for those suffering addictions

  • Activities for adults with learning difficulties

This is not official Church of Ireland training – this will have to be devised, following a Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy, but in the interim, parishes undertaking work with vulnerable adults should find this training very useful. 

Download the Volunteer Now 2011 and 2012 Training Calendar for Adult Safeguarding.