Pre–ordination retreat
Please pray for our four deacon interns and priest will be on a pre–ordination retreat from Friday 26 August. The retreat leader and preacher at the ordination service is The Revd Duncan McLea, Minister–in–Charge, Christ Church Kenilworth, Cape Town.
Christ Church is one of 6 churches in the Parish of St John’s, Wynberg, and Duncan has ministered there for the past 22 years. He is also the leader of New Wine in Cape Town.
He and Bishop Harold go back some time as when he studied at St John’s Nottingham the Bishop was one of his tutors. He also hosted Bishop Harold during the last AMICUM meeting in Cape Town.
Duncan is married to Hilary and they have 3 young adult daughters, 2 of whom have recently married.
The service of ordination is in Shankill Parish at 4.30pm on Sunday 28 August.