The perfect seven?
There are no fewer than seven services of ordination, institution, introduction, graduation and consecration in the four weeks following the Bishop's Bible Week. Whether or not you are attending, please remember to pray for all those involved.
In chronological order...
Revd Noel Gordon (NSM) will be ordained priest and on Sunday 28 August at 4.30pm in Shankill Parish, Lurgan. Also to be ordained at the service are this year's deacons, the first set of interns:
Caroline Mansley
Colin McConaghie
Matthew Milliken
Emma Rutherford
Revd Canon John Mann will be installed as Dean of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, and instituted as Vicar of the Cathedral Parish during a service of choral evensong in St Anne’s on Tuesday August 30 at 8pm.
The Revd Colin McCormack
will be instituted as incumbent of the Grouped Parishes of Clonallon & Warrenpoint with Kilbroney, in the Diocese of Dromore, on Friday 2 September at 8pm. The service will take place in Warrenpoint Church in Church Street.
Revd Adrian Green will be introduced as Bishop's Curate of Mount Merrion, in the Diocese of Down, on Wednesday 7 September at 7.30pm.
Revd Chris Matchett will be instituted as incumbent of St Mark's, Newtownards, in the Diocese of Down, on Friday 9 September at 8pm.
Twelve folk from the diocese will graduate in the Bishop's Bible Certificate at a service in Drumbo Parish on 18 September at 6.30pm.
The Ordination and Consecration of The Revd John McDowell as a Bishop appointed to serve in the Dioceses of Clogher will take place on Friday 23 September 2011 at St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen at 7pm.
Although not directly related to our diocese, please also remember:
The Ordination and Consecration of The Very Revd Patrick Rooke as a Bishop appointed to serve in the Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry will take place on Thursday 8 September 2011 at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh at 4pm.