• 30 August 2011

Valuable work going on in Donaghadee

Bishop Harold recently visited Donaghadee Parish to see the Lighthouse Trust Summer School in action. He also took the opportunity to view progress on the parish renewal and restoration project and was joined on site by his co–patron, Lady Sylvia Hermon.

Since 1997 the Lighthouse Trust has organised an eight week Summer School providing conductive education for children with cerebral palsy. The Parish Centre  hosts children and helpers for July and August, offering a warm welcome and helping to create a holiday environment.

”This is a wonderful use of a church hall,” said Bishop Harold. “I was very impressed by the warmth of relationship between the teachers and volunteers and the children. They have created a wonderful creative and relaxed environment here. It’s also lovely to see people from all over the area offer their time to help. ”

On site, our patrons saw the progress made inside the Church and the work on the tower and rendering. Both were delighted with the progress since their last visit several months ago.  We thank them both for their support and encouragement for our project.  They will both be taking part in the morning service on Sunday 4th September at 10.30am, staying for a Parish Lunch.

Work continues at a good pace up at the Church. The main contractor and subcontractors have had a busy summer and the weather seems to have helped with the repointing of the tower, which is now nearly complete. Stonework on the main Church is now well advanced. Internally in the tower, the bell has been reinstalled and the internal steel work and access ladders are nearly complete.

Internally the floor has been laid and will be tiled in a few weeks time. The electrical and heating work is progressing and the walls are soon to be plastered. It is beginning to look once again like the church we love so much!

Much still has to be completed – rendering, repairs to the stone work (around the windows and pinnacles) work on the valleys, guttering and external drainage (which cannot be completed until the scaffolding comes down) – however, the Select Vestry are pleased with the progress and we are now around two thirds of the way through the contract.

(With thanks to Revd Ian Gamble)