• 22 September 2011

First ‘graduates’ of the Bishop’s Bible Certificate Course

Twelve worthy graduates of the Bishop’ Bible Course (pictured below) were presented with their certificates by Bishop Harold in Drumbo Parish on Sunday 18th September. The Bishop also preached at the service.

Year One, which is fully subscribed, starts again on Thursday 6th October in Church House. The course runs on one evening each week for seven weeks per term over three terms. Those who received certificates this year have completed both year one and two of the course.

Graduate, Bernie McAvoy descibes a typical evening:

”We begin with Canon Robert Neill expounding to us some part of the scripture – we concentrate on different aspects and different times. Then we break for coffee and discuss different aspects of what we’ve been hearing and then we come together for a more interactive time where we can ask questions and there’s a feedback time as well.”

”There’s a social element too,” she continues. “You meet some wonderful people and it’s lots of fun but at the end of the day we’ve been really privileged  to learn more about the context and the background of the Bible. We understand more fully what God’s word is all about and how it can affect our lives and enable us to go forward with God.”

Topics covered include: Why is the Bible so important?; How did the Bible come to us?;  Why is the nation of Israel so important?; What we can understand of the God of the Bible?; Who is Jesus?;  What is the message of the four gospels?; What does St. Paul tell us?; and much more.

The course is organized and taught by Canon Robert Neill, Rector of Drumbo, with some teaching from Archdeacon Philip Patterson.

Although this year is fully subscribed there may be a chance to join year two in 2012 and begin the course there.

Pictured below from left to right:

Canon Robert Neill, Rosemary Rudd, Edward Godfrey, Marie Blackburn, William Blackburn, Angela Neill, Elizabeth Reid, Elizabeth Miller, Emma Neil, Sharon Milliken, Bishop Harold.