Special visitors for Donaghadee Parish
Earlier in September Donaghadee Parish welcomed some special visitors to the morning service in the church hall – Bishop Harold and his wife Liz, Lady Sylvia Hermon, Brian Quinn the architect in charge of the refurbishment of the church and Don Carville the quantity surveyor.Bishop Harold and Lady Sylvia are patrons of the Donaghadee Renewal and Restoration Project.
The service was a real mix of the traditional and the contemporary. This has become the hallmark of our worship since we moved into the hall and merged our two morning services. The children’s address focused on the Good Shepherd using Bishop Harold’s crosier as a visual aid. Lady Sylvia read the lesson and Bishop Harold gave the address.
His theme was Renewal and Restoration, and was based on the Old Testament Reading of the Day: The Passover in Exodus 12. The key points were:
1. Renewal often comes when there is nowhere else to go
2. Renewal comes when a leader can paint a vision of the future which people can see as possibility
3. Renewal requires careful preparation
4. Renewal, in the end, only comes by the amazing provision of God
5. Renewal, in the end, often comes suddenly and quickly, and we need to be ready to move when it happens
After the service Brian and Don accompanied members of the congregation up to the church were we were able to see first hand the renovations inside the church.
The morning was finished with a barbeque lunch when we enjoyed delicious food and great fellowship together.
It was a real encouragement for the congregation to have the two patrons of our project sharing with us and we would like to thank them for giving up their time. Thanks are also due to everyone who participated in the service and helped in any way with the lunch.
(With thanks to Donna Spence)