2012 Lectionary Readings Booklet now available
Church of Ireland Publishing has announced that the annual booklet setting out the Sunday and Weekday Readings for 2012 is now available from the Resource Centre in Dublin and the Good Book Shop in Belfast.
Canon Brian Mayne has been responsible for the meticulous task of compiling the booklet for the past seven years, first as a private venture and latterly for Church of Ireland Publishing. 2012 will be the last edition he compiles as he has now handed on the torch to the Revd Ken Rue who will edit the 2013 booklet. Canon Mayne says: ‘Clergy, those who read lessons and those responsible for choosing the hymns have all found this publication very useful and rather more portable than the Directory!’
The modest price of Sunday and Weekday Readings 2012 remains unchanged, costing £3 in Northern Ireland and €4 in the Republic of Ireland.
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