• 27 October 2011

Pray for our link diocese of Northern Argentina

Nick & Catherine Drayson in Juarez ask for prayer for:

  • Give thanks for Catherine’s safe return to Argentina, and her steady recovery. Also for the women’s conference she organised in October.

  • Our daughter Stefi is now in Salta doing some language study prior to going to Peru in January to do voluntary work. Pray for her adaptation.

  • Nick will be in Paraguay 3–10th Nov for a meeting with leaders of Anglican churches in the Southern Cone. Pray for decisions to be made, especially regarding the ordination of women.

  • 25–27th November – Synod at which Nick will take over as Diocesan bishop. Pray for guidance and protection in all the preparations, details, and general direction.

  • 18–20th November – visit to area south of the river Bermejo where there are significant issues to resolve in group of churches.

  • Catherine continues supporting women’s and families’ work. Give thanks for a good team, and pray for next steps in developing ministry.

  • As Centenary year draws to a close, give thanks for many celebrations, and pray for some final meetings and publications, as well as formation of vision for the future.

Many thanks for your prayers


Download a PDF prayer letter from CMS missionaries in Northern Argentina, Charles and Lynn Barr Johnston.