The Bible Society ministers in Egypt
As millions of Egyptians mourn following the recent violent attacks on Christians, staff from the Bible Society of Egypt (BSE) are left wondering how they can minister to a people numb with shock and grief.
As one staff member was praying about this, she turned on the television and saw a lady holding the Bible Society’s selection from I Thess. 4, “Do not grieve as those that have no hope…”. 5,000 of these tracts were distributed at the Coptic Cathedral during the mass funeral. Please pray that God’s Word will bring comfort and hope to an anguished people.
BSE staff members have been visiting the wounded, providing Scripture resources, and looking for ways to be of assistance and encouragement. “The victims, despite being broken and battered, gladly receive the large–print New Testaments into their arms and kiss them. Most have tears in their eyes, repeatedly thanking us for the visit and support of BSE,” said a Bible Society staff member. Praise God that His Word is able to bring such comfort in desperate times.
Please pray for the latest BSE newspaper campaign which, for the first time, has been given permission to print a Scripture verse and ask that many will be touched and challenged by these words from God. Pray too that Bible Society staff in Egypt will be able to respond to the rapidly evolving situation in Libya as many Libyans, who had fled their country, may now seek to return.