Death of Sheilagh Jebb, former CMS missionary
It is with sadness that we announce the death of Sheilagh Jebb, a parishioner of Ballyholme and former long–serving CMS missionary. Sheilagh has donated her body to medical science and so, instead of a funeral, there will be a memorial service on 21st November 2011 at 2.00pm in her home parish. Bishop Harold will give the address.
In May 2009, Sheilagh was one of the subjects of ‘Spirit of Patrick,’ an event in Down Cathedral when the Diocese of Down and Dromore honoured 5 individuals who had given their entire lives over to mission. At the time, Canon Cecil Wilson, former Secretary General of CMSI, described her as “a woman of great hospitality. Her house is always open and she has taken many people in over the years if they needed a place to stay. She has affected many lives. Sheilagh has the gift of hospitality and a transparent faith. God looked after her on the mission field and it was obvious that she was always doing what God wanted her to do.”
Sheilagh was born 1923 and gave her life to God in 1948. Her parents were pioneer CMS missionaries in Nigeria among the Yoruba people and Sheilagh followed in their footsteps as a midwife – nursing, training nurses and sharing the Gospel.
When we interviewed her in 2009 she said, “Looking back on those years in Nigeria (1950 – 1976) what brought me most joy and satisfaction? Watching schoolgirls become midwives, lives saved, people healed and disease prevented; being accepted by the people? No. Best of all was seeing the transformation of lives and situations as people came to trust the Lord, not only for salvation but for every kind of need.”
In 1976 Sheilagh transferred to a health project in the Yemen. By this time she was over fifty, but she learned Arabic and for three years brought medical care to remote and mountainous parts of the country. Service followed in Sudan, Sierra Leone and the Gambia before Sheilagh retired to Bangor in 1989 where she became an active member of the parish.
Sheilagh’s life story is recorded in her book, “Going for God,” which CMSI is in the process of reprinting after the first run sold out.
View the Spirit of Patrick clip below.