• 03 November 2011

Meet the neighbours at TQ

Unfazed by the mega–celebrities descending on Belfast this weekend, Chris Bennett is gathering the neighbours together again…

It’s all go in the TQ this week… the Odyssey is gearing up for the MTV EMA Awards on Sunday; the back car parks are filled with pop–up marquees, the Premier Inn is ring–fenced by a security barrier, the autograph–hunters and security guards are starting to appear already… it’s going to be HUUGGE!

It really is fantastic for Belfast that something as big as this is coming here.  This weekend, our wee city will be playing host to Queen, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.  Never mind that Selena (the host of the show) is too teenyboppy to be on my radar and I had to ask Susan who she was (Susan knew – she’s street) – these people are properly famous!  So I for one will happily endure a weekend of traffic jams, impassible city centres and screaming teenagers to hope and pray that the event is a massive success.  I’ll try not to mind that people had to audition to be in the audience.  (Can you scream?  You’re in.)  I’ll not be standing outside with my disapproving placards (“Down with this sort of thing!”  ”Careful now”).  It’s good that it’s here.

And despite the manic–ness, we’ll still be gathering at the base of the Arc Apartments on Saturday morning from 11–1 for the next Meet The Neighbours event – it’s the first Saturday of the month, there’s coffee to be drunk, traybakes to be eaten and neighbours to be met!  Lady Gaga can throw herself at me all she wants; Selena Gomez can pout all she likes; Chris Martin can throw organic produce at me if it makes him feel better; they can’t come.  But you can.  See you there!

(oh, all right, they can come.  But only if they audition.)
