A Biblefresh prayer for 2012
As the 400th Anniversary year of the KJV Bible draws to a close, the Biblefresh initiative, so proactive and imaginative throughout 2011, suggests this prayer for churches and individuals as we enter 2012…
Lord God
Thank you for this year of Bible celebration which has seen your Word
fill our TVs, radios, cinemas, theatres, social media, churches and
towns. You have helped us once again to see the transformative
power of your written word as we have read, discussed and dwelt on
the Scriptures.
Thank you that the Word became flesh. Let your words become
alive in us.
Thank you that your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Continue to guide us with your instructions for living.
Thank you that you choose to put your words in our mouth. Give us
the confidence to speak out your words of truth and healing, to
change us and the world.
Ignite in us a deep passion for your Word that never burns out,
Reveal more of yourself to us as we study your scriptures,
Open the eyes of the world to see the hope you bring through your
never failing promises.
We choose to continue:
Reading the Bible at home, on the bus, in church, with our friends,
our neighbours, inside, outside, on paper, on our iPads and Kindles;
Letting ourselves be trained to understand things we find difficult;
Giving to those who do not have the Bible in their own language;
Experiencing the wonder of your Word in new and creative ways;
This is only the start.
Help us on our journey O God.
We trust in you the Living Word.