A ‘Souper’ Advent idea!
Revd Jono Pierce, Rector of St Finninan’s, tells us about a tasty and heartwarming Advent initiative in Cregagh.
“One of the things we discovered in response to our recent parish census was a high degree of isolation and loneliness and in response we decided to have an Advent Outreach called ‘Warming the Cockles’.
In September we invited an organisation called ‘Root Soup’ to come and tell their story. Root Soup is a collaboration between adults with learning disabilities and members of the homeless community who work together to grow vegetables and make delicious homemade soup.
We invited them to do a soup lunch in September after our monthly combined morning service and wanted to partner with them to offer 3 lunches during Thursdays in Advent. for parishioners .
We invited parishioners and members of the local community, encouraging them to come along and invite a friend or neighbour. A team of people made themselves available to offer lifts to those who may find it difficult to get there.
The youth fellowship also came on board and delivered invitations to about 500 households in the local district.
Learn more about ‘Root Soup’ here.
Pictured below with myself and the curate, Jack Kinkead: Parishioners David and Betty Berry and Des and Rae McIntyre and members of the Root Soup team at the first lunch on 1 December. We had about 40 people attending.