After Kim Jong–Il window of opportunity for North Korean Christians?
Christians in North Korea face a critical moment following the death of the country’s leader Kim Jong–Il from a heart attack. North Korean television announced that the 69–year–old leader had died at 8.30am on Saturday, while travelling on a train.
‘Under successive dictators, Christians in North Korea have faced some of the harshest persecution on earth. There is now a window of opportunity where this can stop, where North Korea can emerge from isolation and give its people freedom – including freedom of religion,’ says Andy Dipper, CEO of
Release International
, a ministry to persecuted Christians worldwide.
In this land where a form of emperor worship is practised, Christians can be detained, tortured and removed from society. Some risk being shot by border guards as they try to flee the country to avoid persecution, famine and oppression.
Christians have also been sent into forced labour in political prisons likened to concentration camps. Human rights organisations say inmates – including those arrested for their faith – can face torture, starvation and execution. As well as religious persecution, North Koreans have suffered under the famine and economic collapse that has followed years of misrule.
Little is known about Kim Jong Il’s nominated successor. His son Kim Jong–un is in his late 20s and was educated in Switzerland. That so little information is available indicates the degree of self–imposed isolation of what has become known as the hermit kingdom. Observers fear a power struggle ahead for control of the country, and a time of instability in the region.
South Korea, which is still technically in a state of war with the North, has put its military on alert. North Korea has tested nuclear weapons and reportedly conducted a missile test shortly before the official announcement of the death of Kim Jong–Il.
Release International has been running the major One Day campaign pressing for change in North Korea. It will be presenting a petition in the new year calling for religious freedom. To date, more than 40,000 people have signed. ‘It’s not too late to take your stand,’ says Andy Dipper. ‘Please sign the petition online at the Release website
‘Pray that instead of instability, transition in North Korea will prove to be a decisive moment and lead to change for the better,’ adds Andy Dipper. ‘Pray for stability, peace and freedom – especially freedom of faith, in this land where a form of emperor worship has been imposed for so long, and pray for wisdom and righteousness for North Korea’s young new ruler, Kim Jong–un.’
Through its international network of missions Release International serves persecuted Christians in 30 countries around the world by supporting pastors and Christian prisoners and their families; supplying Christian literature and Bibles, and working for justice.