• 06 December 2011

CAP’s top ten Christmas tips

Some sound Christmas advice from the Christians Against Poverty team…


Decide on a realistic and sustainable budget and stick to it – it can be so easy to overspend on loved ones, but avoid the temptation!


Save up for Christmas and then you won’t have to fund festivities on top of your usual outgoings; if you’ve no savings for this Christmas, start saving in January 2009 for next Christmas.

Use Cash

Wherever possible, use cash and avoid paying for presents on credit cards; you might get a nasty shock in the New Year when the bills come through.

Make Presents

Try to make presents as opposed to buying them. For example, delicious homemade biscuits, chocolates and fudge make a lovely gift and show you’ve spent time and care.


Remember – you can’t buy love.  Don’t feel guilty if you can’t afford the latest present for your children. Your love and affection will last longer in the memory than any toy can.

Reciprocal Gifts

Don’t fall into the trap of reciprocal gift giving and don’t buy out of obligation!

Be Honest

If you have children and they’re old enough to understand, be honest about your finances and talk to your family about your money situation to avoid misunderstanding.

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead – buy cards, crackers and wrapping paper in the January before in the sales and keep them safe. You’ll save lots of money this way!


Don’t overspend in the January sales, in spite of how good a bargain you might see. Make a budget and stick to it and if possible, leave those credit cards at home.

The Real Reason

Lastly and most importantly, remember the real reason for Christmas. It’s not about presents, it’s about Jesus!