Window stops the traffic in Mount Merrion
The parish of Mount Merrion has spotted the potential of a feature window in their building and used it to display a slightly unusual nativity scene.
The display is in the main window of the church facing Mount Merrion Avenue. They have removed some of the coloured panels that are usually there and added some illumination for nighttime.
“We felt that this window into the community was a fairly unique feature to our church which we weren’t using to its full potential,” said Bishop’s curate, Revd Adrian Green.
The idea to make a nativity style ‘department store window’ was realised by Angela Megarry (Children’s Worker) and her dad.
“A lot of passers–by, including drivers, have been stopping to look and it has proven to be a great conversation starter, especially with Joseph having the face of Gary Barlow and Cheryl Cole as Mary!” said Adrian.
“We have displayed the poster ‘No matter how you dress it up … Christmas begins with Christ’ as this hopefully takes the focus off the famous characters portraying Mary and Joseph and back on to the baby in the centre.
“We now plan to do special window displays at other times of the year including Easter, and Harvest.”