Anglican Alliance: “Let us have your views on development, relief and advocacy”
The Anglican Alliance has launched an on–line consultation over the priorities for their mission to overcome poverty and injustice worldwide. You can take part in the consultation here.
The results will help them take forward their global workplan on development, relief and advocacy. Anglicans in Africa, the Pacific, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean were consulted over priorities for the Anglican Alliance, and a summary of the workplan is available on the Anglican Alliance website. Development priorities identified were:
Economic empowerment
Peace and reconciliation
Women’s empowerment
Youth empowerment
Community empowerment
Climate change
Food security
Migrants and refugees
Food security and climate change were singled out as the key subjects for global advocacy, with commitments also for the Anglican Alliance to support regional advocacy on migrants and refugees, and peace–building in countries affected by conflict.
Relief is the third pillar of the Alliance’s work. The Anglican Alliance has been mandated to support communities affected by all types of conflict, natural and conflict–related. And it should help develop Anglican expertise in supporting people with disabilities in emergencies.
on–line consultation
takes the workplan to the next stage – to look at the best way to take the mission forward. It takes only a few minutes to take part – and the results will help the Alliance in the task of building a world free of poverty and injustice.
The consultation closes on February 29th, 2012.