CMS Ireland Announces 2012 Annual Project Resource
CMS Ireland is hosting Annual Project Presentations across Ireland for Sunday School Leaders and those interested in participating in the project in 2012. These presentations provide an in–depth look into this year’s resource pack, ‘Beautiful Gate’, plus hints and tips on how best to use the project in your Sunday School.
Acts 3 tells the story of Peter and John, who were going to the temple to pray. At the temple gate, the one called The Beautiful Gate, we read that they met a lame man who was begging. Peter and John did not have money, but they gave the man something even more valuable. They healed him in the name of Jesus.
On that day at the Beautiful Gate, the temple was a place where Jesus’ disciples went to worship, but also saw an opportunity to offer healing and transformation. Their love of God and their love of someone in need came together.
SD Church, one of CMS Ireland’s Global Partners in Nepal, is a place of worship and transformation. The Beautiful Gate CMS Ireland Annual Project 2012 will share something of the ministry of the church as it reaches out in love.
29 January St Patrick’s Parish, Ballymena, 3pm
30 January Glendermott Parish, Londonderry, 8pm
30 January Bangor Primacy Parish, Bangor, 8pm
31 January Seapatrick Parish, Banbridge, 8pm
31 January Castlederg Parish, Castlederg, 8pm
31 January St Brigid’s Parish, Glengormley, 8pm
01 February Killowen Parish, Coleraine, 8pm
02 February Holy Trinity, Rathmines, 8pm
02 February St. Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen, 8pm
02 February Drumglass (St. Anne’s) Parish, Dungannon, 8pm
04 February Douglas Parish Halls, Cork, 3pm
Come along to your nearest presentation and learn more about the pack and meet other participating parishes to share your experiences!
For more information about the Annual Project, please visit our website or email
More Information
CMS Ireland’s Annual Project gives children and young people the opportunity to engage with what God is doing in another part of the world. The resource pack comprises lesson plans, activities, crafts, games, Bible Stories and an accompanying DVD is available.