New book: Whole Life, Whole Bible
Whole Life, Whole Bible by Antony Billington, Margaret Killingray, Helen Parry contains 50 readings on living in the light of Scripture.
‘My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge’ (Hosea 4:6, NIV).
It is generally agreed that one of the most serious problems facing the Church in the 21st century is the problem of biblical illiteracy. Last year’s Year of the Bible was a serious attempt to start finding solutions. The results of how successful it has been are still to be announced.
Whatever the results are, BibleFresh was the start of the beginning to find effective solutions that now moves on. The London School of Contemporary Christianity, in conjunction with BRF, have produced Whole Life, Whole Bible as a next step that churches and individuals can use to help readers into the big story of the Bible.
Looking at the big story of the Bible offers a crucial means of helping to address the issue of growing biblical illiteracy, because it provides a way not just of getting to know the ‘bits and pieces’ of the content of the Bible (individual stories or passages), but of understanding how those bits and pieces relate to each other in the grand story. As we would hope and expect, increased knowledge of the parts over time strengthens understanding of the whole, as well as building confidence in knowing how to handle the seemingly more tricky parts of the Bible. A strengthening in our understanding of scripture’s big picture also develops our trust in God himself as we see him faithfully working out his plan of salvation through history.
From this position the book aims to provide a firm start to help readers form a Christian worldview leading to whole–life discipleship as the biblical story nurtures a distinctive way of looking at the world and living in the world.
The book is presented in the format of 50 readings and comment divided into the six main acts of the biblical story line: Creation, Corruption, Covenant, Christ, Church and Consummation.
In crafting a Christian worldview, then, we do so on the basis of the biblical story and its major plot points: God’s original creation, the tragedy of sin, and God’s plan of redemption, set in motion through Israel, fulfilled in Christ, lived out through the church and awaiting final consummation.
Each section concludes with significantly searching questions that aim to motivate reflection and application of the reading and comments.
Antony Billington, Margaret Killingray and Helen Parry work at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, which seeks to equip Christians and churches for the whole–life discipleship in today’s world.
Provides wonderful insights into the overarching story of the Bible and helps us consider how to live on the foundation of God’s word.
Mark Meynell, Senior Associate Minister, All Souls, Langham Place, London
Packs a powerful theological punch and will stretch and inspire your faith. A must for every whole–life disciple and disciplemaker!
Rachel Gardner, Director, Romance Academy
People can get lost in the Bible’s structure—here are some exciting clues for joined–up Bible reading.
Greg Haslam, Pastor, Westminster Chapel, London
Whole Life, Whole Bible will be published on 20 Jan 2012, priced £6.99, ISBN 9780857460172, pb, 160 pages