• 28 February 2012

Fashion fast to set global trend for 2012

1000s of local young people are set to start a new fashion trend this year when they take part in a unique fashion initiative led by the Summer Madness festival. The ‘Wear It Out’ campaign encourages young people to reinvent rather than reinvest in their fashion and use the savings to provide for others in developing countries instead.

The Summer Madness campaign has been joined by a wide range of youth organisations all aiming to engage local young people in the issues of consumerism and fashion. ‘Wear it Out’ will also be featured as part of the Down and Dromore annual St Patrick’s Day celebrations when the theme will be, ‘Walking in Simplicity’.

Summer Madness Festival Director John Kee said: “Recent global and local economic events have made us all very cost conscious.  We wanted to give young people an opportunity and a voice to be a part of the solution, not the problem.”

“Wear It Out will give them the forum and the events to better understand the pressures of consumerism and how they can make a positive contribution to our global community through simple purchasing decisions.”

“This year, alongside our partner organisations, we will be running a range of events for young people to put their new fashion creds to the test including ‘fashion forums’, ‘mass wardrobe swaps’, ‘bling and bag’ sales as well as the Summer Madness Festival in July.”

The campaign also includes a Guinness World RecordTM attempt at Stormont on the 10th April when 1000s of young people will attempt to break the record for the largest Barefoot Walk.

Mr Kee continued: “The record attempt at Stormont should be an amazing part of the campaign year.  

“Millions of young people in the developing world never even get to own one pair of shoes, but, through a special link with TOMS shoes, for every person that registers with the campaign TOMS will donate a pair of shoes to a young person in a developing country.”

For further information about the campaign visit the website www.wear-it-out.co.uk or call the Summer Madness office on 02890673379.