• 10 February 2012

’First Things’ – major day conference in April

The four main groups representing evangelicals within the Church of Ireland have announced details of a major event to be held on Saturday 21 April 2012.

‘First Things’, organised jointly by the Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship, New Wine Ireland, the Evangelical Fellowship of Irish Clergy and Reform Ireland, will be an opportunity for members of the Church of Ireland and of other denominations to come together to celebrate and affirm the essentials of evangelical faith in the 21st Century.

The two keynote speakers will be the former Bishop of Rochester, the Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir–Ali, who is now President of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue (OXTRAD), and the Bishop of Argentina, the Rt. Rev Greg Venables, formerly Primate of the Southern Cone.

The conference will be held in Lurgan, beginning at 2pm in the Jethro Centre. During the afternoon session, both bishops will address the conference, examining the issues of mission and evangelism and the uniqueness of Jesus in a pluralist society.

At an evening celebration in Shankill Parish Church, a panel including Bishop Nazir–Ali, will respond to questions addressing a range of issues which evangelicals are grappling with today, and Bishop Venables will preach on the importance of holding to ‘First Things’. The celebration will be led by Bishop Harold Miller.

The conference is open to all.