‘Remembering the Future’ Lecture Programme
Marking Anniversaries 2012–2023 ‘Remembering the Future’ Lecture Programme. The Community Relations Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund are holding a series of 10 weekly lectures covering this critical historical period.
The first lecture is on 8th March at the Ulster Museum and entitled, ‘The Burden of Our History’: The Historical Background to the 1912–1923 period, with Professor Paul Bew.
The format will be symposium style with one hour for speakers and one hour discussion based on questions from the audience. The principal speaker will provide the overview for about 30 minutes. This will be followed by two experts, giving different perspectives.
The primary purpose of the series is to produce resources and to stimulate wider interest in the marking these anniversaries in keeping with the principles of:
1 Start from the historical facts;
2 Recognise the implications and consequences of what happened;
3 Understand that different perceptions and interpretations exist; and
4 Show how events and activities can deepen understanding of the period.
5 All to be seen in the context of an ‘inclusive and accepting society’
They are targeting people at community level from local organisations, culture and heritage groups, historical societies, educationalists, political activists, local museums and cultural centres, councils and departments, artists and arts organisations, dramatists, poets, musicians and those within the public who are interested a journey of exploration and discovery through this period.
The resources will be available in the form of DVD and material for You Tube that can stimulate group discussions and local events and provide a body of information that is historically accurate and engages with a wide range of interpretations and perspectives. So the series will be recorded and we aim to start the web based dissemination after the first week’s event. They also aim to produce a publication.
Visit this webpage for more information.