• 28 February 2012

Still time to join the New Irish Youth Choir

If you are aged 11–16, fancy yourself as a good singer, enjoy worship music and love good banter, then New Irish Youth may be the thing for you. And it’s not too late.

Joining the 2012 choir involves attending a free workshop and audition and the final ones are on Saturday 3 March in Ballymena Baptist Church (morning) and Knock Presbyterian (afternoon).

The first part of each workshop lasts an hour and gives you a taster of New Irish Youth. At the end of the workshop there are auditions to decide who gets into the choir.

After a successful audition you will enjoy:

  • a five–day residential on the north coast in August (cost £180)

  • expert individual tuition and vocal workshops featuring special guests

  • a concert and CD recording as part of the residential

  • learning more about worshipping God in specialist teaching sessions

  • being part of the big New Irish Choir and Orchestra Christmas Concerts in the Ulster Hall in December 2012

Find out more and register online to book your place here.