Thinking on our feet on St Patrick’s Day
In more ways than one we’ll be ‘thinking on our feet’ at this year’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations at Down Cathedral and Saul and taking a concrete step toward helping those in need.
In keeping with our theme, ‘Walking in Simplicity’ Bishop Harold is inviting everyone who joins us on 17 March to donate a spare pair of shoes in good condition. Where possible these will go straight onto the feet of someone in need but at the very least will be recycled and the proceeds given to charity.
St Patrick’s Day is also the suggested date for the beginning of the ‘WEAR IT OUT’ clothing fast, which will raise awareness of the big issues around consumerism, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and social justice. At the end of the fast many young people will receive a special pair of TOMS shoes, and TOMS in turn will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need.
We’re delighted to welcome Pete Greig, founder of the 24–7 Prayer movement and Director of Prayer at Holy Trinity Brompton, as our special guest, both in the Cathedral and at the Service of Holy Communion at Saul.
Thanks to an innovative approach to spirituality and culture, 24–7 has spread into more than a third of the nations on earth, capturing the attention of newspapers and magazines from Rolling Stone to Readers Digest. Pete’s books include Red Moon Rising, The Vision & The Vow, the 24–7 Prayer Manual, and God on Mute.
The pilgrimage from Saul to the Cathedral will be led by Revd Chris Bennett, Chaplain to the Titanic Quarter and you are warmly welcomed to walk with us before the Festival Service.
The Day’s Events
(Please note earlier times)
9.15am Holy Communion at Saul
10.15am Pilgrimage from Saul to Downpatrick
11.45am Festival Service in Down Cathedral
Wreath laying ceremony at St Patrick’s Grave
1.00pm Irish stew lunch in the marquee
Transport to Saul
Please park along the Mall leading to the Cathedral in Downpatrick and board one of the private buses.
Buses to the communion service depart between 8.30 and 9.00am. The last bus for the 35 minute pilgrimage leaves at 10.00am.