Viewfinder Services: reaching the media generation
Recent research suggests that reaching people aged 18–30 is one of the greatest challenges facing churches today. Damaris Trust has been developing a resource called Viewfinder to help churches to meet this need. Viewfinder services are fast–paced, multimedia outreach services shaped around a recent film, which consider a relevant issue and appropriately introduce the gospel. Each service pack comes complete with a full PowerPoint, script and special videos.
A brand new service pack has just been added to the
Viewfinder website
on the greedy and gracious sides of human nature, which uses clips from the high–concept thriller In Time. And we have revamped the site to make it easier and more cost–effective to use; for a small
annual subscription
(£20) you can access every service pack we produce. We’ll be releasing another service pack in a month (on Martin Scorsese’s Oscar–nominated family adventure Hugo) which subscribers will automatically have access to. And we’ll be releasing a new service at least once a quarter. Find out more at