Compline sung at Good Book Shop
The Good Book Shop was the unusual location for a service of sung Compline which took place on Thursday 29 March 2012 at 8.45pm The service was partly done as a way of preparation for Holy Week, but also as a way of marking the 350th anniversary of the English Book of Common Prayer.
Compline is traditionally the final church service of the day. In the Anglican tradition, Compline was originally merged with Vespers to form Evening Prayer in the BCP of 1662. The Church of England’s proposed Prayer Book of 1928 restored a form of Compline to Anglican worship.
The male quartet who sang the service included the shop manager Richard Ryan, Dr Paul Berry conductor of the chamber choir ‘Sciolto’ and Robert Thompson organist in St Molua’s Parish Stormont, and conductor of the Priory Singers. The cantor on the night was Revd Jack Kinkead, curate in St Finnian’s Parish Church, Cregagh.