• 15 March 2012

Face to Facebook: free training event from Love for Life

Are you worried about what children and young people are exposed to online?

The current trend is for more and more information to be sought and relationships conducted over the internet. Love for Life has funding to offer a new ‘Face to Facebook’ workshop – an event for parents who want to engage with the virtual world of relationships so that they can help their young people navigate it safely and appropriately.

The session looks at some great resources to help parents and carers better understand the world of social networking with a particular focus on relationships and the huge impact that the internet is having on our sexual attitudes. 

These events are free to anyone who would like to host one in the Diocese of Down and Dromore and are a great way, to reach out to the community in relevant ways. The events can be held in a church, school, community centre – whatever seems appropriate for your setting.

Download a flyer here.

If you’re interested please contact the Love for Life office:

T: 028 3882 0555 F: 028 3882 0550 E: info@loveforlife.org.uk