Joint St Patrick’s Day statement from Downpatrick churches
St Patrick’s Day is a wonderful festival for the whole community and we, the leaders of all the churches in Downpatrick, are looking forward to taking part again in the celebrations.
Patrick is someone for the whole community to unite around as we all recognise that he is the person who established the Christian faith in Ireland, and all our churches look back with thankfulness for his missionary endeavors in this locality nearly sixteen hundred years ago.
We are so encouraged by the work of so many people over the years to make this a festival week for the whole community and hope that this will not be damaged by a few who appear intent on drawing attention to themselves instead of our patron saint. All of us, not least our elected representatives, have a responsibility to work in a spirit of unity which is at the heart of the gospel Patrick proclaimed.
Downpatrick has a long history of welcoming everyone of every tradition and will continue to do so. We clergy, from our different traditions, are always made welcome, and you will be too. Come and join us.
Rev Stuart Burns (Church of Ireland)
Rev John Ewart (Church of Ireland)
Rev Ross Harte (Methodist Church)
Very Rev Henry Hull (Church of Ireland)
Fr Brendan Mulhall (Roman Catholic Church)
Rev Harry Robinson (Presbyterian Church)
Very Rev Canon Sean Rogan (Roman Catholic Church)
Rev David Steers (Non–subscribing Presbyterian Church)
Pastor Joe White (Baptist Church)