Director of Continuing Ministerial Education and Lay Training
Applications are sought from suitably qualified persons for appointment to this full–time position.
The Church of Ireland is continuing to implement a major transition in its ministry training for both clergy and laity, with a particular emphasis on the integration of theory with practice. With the first graduates from the MTh course due to rise this year, preparation is underway for an appropriate delivery of Continuing Ministerial Education. Alongside this CITI is actively planning to expand its range of courses in regard to the training of lay ministers.
This is a unique opportunity for candidates with the right blend of vision, skill and experience to play a key role in the transformation of a significant part of the life of the Church.
The successful applicant is likely to have a proven ministry track record, a strong working knowledge of the Church of Ireland, academic aptitude in keeping with the need to deliver training across a range of abilities, relevant teaching experience and the ability to enthuse and equip future leaders within the Church.
Further details and an application form are available
Closing date for applications:Wednesday 25 April 2012