Join the Guinness World Record Attempt on April 10
The Guinness World Record™ attempt for the ‘Largest Barefoot Walk’ will take place on April 10 2012 in Stormont Estate, Belfast, at 12.30pm and you can be part of it.
In support of TOMS ‘One Day Without Shoes’, Wear It Out is making the attempt. The current record for the Largest Barefoot Walk stands at 2500 people walking just one kilometre. So, a stroll down the Prince of Wales Avenue at the Stormont Estate from statue to front gates with all ten pinkies exposed could result in your entry into the record books and raise awareness for those who suffer from disease and soil transmitted infections due to lack of footwear.
With your help, they hope to attract at least 3000 (and more) to join with them and establish Northern Ireland as a world’s best in championing the needs of others.
Register your interest via the form on the Wear It Out webpage here.