• 15 June 2012

Belfast Central CAP Centre trains 3 new debt coaches

As the financial squeeze continues, the Belfast Central branch of a debt counselling charity is taking on extra staff to bring more free help to those in need. The centre, based at Willowfield Parish Church will from this month be welcoming three new debt coaches to their team resulting in more appointment slots for people suffering from out–of–control debts.

The centre, which opened in 2010, has seen a steady growth in the number of people getting in touch as word has spread of CAP’s uniquely in–depth, caring and face–to–face help.

Also, new at the helm will be former barrister Heather Purdy who has re–trained with CAP to become centre manager of the growing team.

“In my work as a barrister I have seen how money problems at home can create huge problems for the whole family. Now, following a career break, I have re–trained so I can tackle the issue in a new way and I’m really looking forward to making a difference.”

Typically most clients get in touch after personal recommendation while others are referred by local GPs, housing associations and local council offices.

Clients’ creditors are contacted by CAP, a workable budget is set for the household and the charity continues to give support and encouragement until they become debt free.

Heather added: “The centre here in Belfast has been booked up months in advance as we continue to cope with the fall–out from the economic downturn. Extra staff will mean that we have many more appointments available each week and will be able to see and help more people, with much shorter waiting times.”

Contrary to popular opinion debts are rarely caused by overspending alone. The most common reason is a change in circumstance, for example job loss, relationship breakdown, accident or illness in the family.

More than a third of clients say demanding calls from creditors, unbearable stress and feelings of despair mean they seriously considered suicide before getting help.

CAP’s debt counselling is a free service available to all regardless of age, gender, faith or background. It is a UK–wide charity which has partnered with 200 local churches to bring hope and a solution to people in debt.

Find out more about CAP at www.capdebthelp.org or by ringing 0800 328 0006