• 19 June 2012

Coffee morning raises funds for cancer care

Colleagues and supporters at Church House raised £260 for the Marie Curie Hospice at a goodie–laden coffee morning on Friday 15 June.

The event was just one of many that have been organised by Sylvia Lockhart and Margaret Yarr who are part of a team of six family and friends trekking in Cambodia in October. 

‘Team Esther’ is aiming to raise £19,500 for the Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast. The Hospice provides care and quality of life for people with cancer and other illnesses – more than 750 patients each year at a cost of £4 million – and so they need our support.  

Team Esther is so named in tribute to Sylvia’s late mother Esther White, who had suffered from cancer. Sylvia, Margaret and the other members of Team Esther will be in Cambodia from October 5–12 this year.  

Thanks to everyone who contributed food, to those who set up and kept us organised and, of course, to all of you who came, enjoyed the food and chat, and gave a donation to the worthy cause.

Pictured below L–R: Jenny Compston, Mary Coles, Rosemary Patterson, Sylvia Lockhart (standing) and Alma Atkins.