• 08 June 2012

St Saviour’s celebrates 40 years of ministry

On Sunday 3 June Bishop Harold joined the parishioners of St Saviour’s, Craigavon for a 40th anniversary service of thanksgiving and rededication, followed by a meal. 

In those years the parish has existed on 2 major sites and had 3 major fires. “We were celebrating 40 years of ministry in Craigavon,” said Evangelist in Charge, Sr Myrtle Morrison. “Forty years as a church is very much about the people rather than a building.”

Pictured below, Mrs Olga Moore and Mr Richard Montgomery, who were two of the founding members of the church 40 years ago, cut the anniversary cake. Olga is still a very active member today. Mr Montgomery moved back to London Derry 25 years ago but still takes an active interest in the church and the area.

See a few more snaps here.

Earlier in the year the parish had a week of mission entitled, ‘Life begins at 40’, with special guests and events and activities for all ages and tastes.