Debt and benefit advice for serving, ex–service personnel
It’s likely your church comes into contact with people with debt and benefit issues. If any of these are identified as service , ex–service, or are their dependants and or carers, the Benefits and Money Advice Service may be able to help.
The Benefits and Money Advice Service is a partnership between The Royal British Legion, the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Northern Ireland.
They have identified that serving, ex–service personnel and their partners and families are not claiming the benefits they are entitled to and many may be living in poverty even though there is help available to significantly improve their quality of life.
In Northern Ireland there Benefits and Money Advice Caseworkers throughout the province with the expertise to advise this group on benefit and money matters.
Benefits and Money Advice Caseworkers seek to maximise their clients income, advising them about the benefits to which they are entitled to and aren’t aware that they can claim. They give comprehensive debt advice, negotiate with creditors, assist with appeals and help resolve other issues when they can. They are experienced with the situations that can arise for individuals and families with military connections. Specifically they have access to a team specialising in claims for war pensions or through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. Caseworkers offer impartial support and discussions that are completely confidential.
The Benefits and Money Advice Service welcome your referral which can be made in the first instance to their telephone advice line 0845 266 6696. Clients can leave a message and their contact details at this line 24 hrs a day and an advisor will get back to them as soon as possible.
Clients requiring additional support can arrange with the telephone adviser to see bureau based advisers.
Delivery of posters/leaflets promoting the service may be obtained by contacting Nichola MacDougall RBL/RAFBF Project Administrator on 02890262525.
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