• 06 July 2012

Family news from the Draysons

Bishop Nick and Catherine Drayson, serving in our link diocese of Northern Argentina, write with some family news…

Our dearest friends and family,

As many of you know, we are in the UK for a few weeks, and we are celebrating the sorrows and joys of family life : “ A time to mourn a time to dance..” Ecclesiastes 3.4


On May 6th, Nick’s mother, Rachel, died peacefully after a brief illness in Sturry, Kent, where she had a very happy few months. We celebrated her life last Tuesday at her Memorial Service. She will be deeply missed by many, not least her family, but she is at peace now with her Lord and Saviour.


Stefanie returned from South America along with us, after several months in Peru working at the SHALOM centre for disabled children in Lima and a local Anglican Church in the shanty towns.

She has had an amazing year, and we thank God for keeping her safe. She is now adapting to UK and despite having University offers she is returning home to Guernsey to live and work for the next year.

Sam and Sally

We are delighted that our son Sam is marrying Sally Ward on 7th July, in Sussex.  We wish them all the best and pray that God will bless them greatly as they start their married their life together.

Wedding photos to follow!

We are very sorry not to be able to meet up with many of you on this trip, as we are in this country so briefly, but we do thank you so very much for all your love, prayers and continuing support. After the wedding we will be going to Guernsey for a week before we return to our life and work in Argentina.

Please pray for all the family:

  • As they mourn the loss of Mum and grandmother, she has left an amazing legacy to the family

  • For Stefanie, as she acclimatizes to life back in the UK, and begins to think and pray about the next step for her

  • For Sam and Sally as they start their life together, and for their future together, jobs and career

  • For us, as we survive a whirlwind visit to UK before we return to life and work in Northern Argentina

Thank you!

Much love,

Catherine and Nick