A powerful night of repentance
Thursday evening at the Bishop’s Bible Week culminated in a powerful act of repentance after Bishop Harold spoke on the topic, ‘What Jesus does not want in his Church’. Many came forward to kneel at the cross or in the sanctuary and to symbolically wash their hands in small bowls of water placed on the communion table.
Looking across the 7 letters, Bishop Harold identified 3 things which the Lord particularly does not want to see in his church: an embracing of false teaching and idolatry; an acceptance of immorality and a drift into apathy or shallowness.
“I cannot think of any more relevant three things which just look as though they have been written as warnings for the church of today,” said Bishop Harold. “These are the three things which literally kill spiritual life. These are the three things which bring decline and fall. These are the three things which ensure that a church which lives by them will not have any future,” he continued.
And whilst the first two points are vitally important, the Bishop singled out shallowness and apathy as the sin that we most needed to repent of, “that God may give us the passion that is on his heart for the lost; that commitment that is on his heart for discipline; the hunger that is on his heart for growth”.
Even if you’ve missed the other teachings, do come along to Willowfield tonight at 8.00pm to hear the Bishop speak on ‘Obedience and disobedience: Rewards and dangers’.
You can catch up on the talks by downloading them here.
Please continue to pray for Bishop Harold as he prepares and shares God’s word.