• 03 September 2012

Killinchy rector instituted

On 27 August, Revd Stanley Gamble was instituted as incumbent of Killinchy Union (Killinchy, Kilmood and Tullynakill) in the Diocese of Down. He was formerly curate assistant of the Parish of Knockbreda.

“We are very excited about moving to Killinchy, and we are looking forward to getting to know the people of the parish, said Stanley. “We have met a number of them so far, and they have made us feel really welcome. Thank you to everyone who has helped us in our ministry over the past five years. Please pray for us as we settle into life in Killinchy.”

Revd Ian Magowan, Rector of Connor, in Kells and Stanley’s fellow student at theological college, preached at the service. 

View more photos here.

Pictured below: Revd Stanley Gamble and his wife Sarah. Included are Stanley’s parents Stanley (snr) and Oriel, his sister Andrea and Andrea’s son Joel (left) and Sarah’s parents Colin and Wendy Donaldson and her brother James and sister Ruth Edwards (right).