• 18 September 2012

Pencil cases for Swaziland

USPG Ireland is an Anglican mission agency working in partnership with the Diocese of Swaziland which manages 26 schools – 22 primary and 4 secondary. The total number of pupils in these schools is more than 11,000.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic and the economic crisis in Swaziland have both contributed to the lack of investment in education. Conditions in schools are basic, and there are few resources.

Many children come from homes where the head of the household is either a child or a grandparent. Families struggle to feed children, pay school fees and buy uniforms.

The introduction of free primary education for grades 1–4 has resulted in overcrowded classrooms and 18–year–olds in class with 6–year–olds.

A full pencil case will be a wonderful gift for the young person that receives it.

  • PENCILS – They don’t have to be new, but not too short, and nice and sharp.

  • COLOURED PENCILS – Again, not too short, and different colours!

  • A SHARPENER – It’s good to put a sharpener in, so that the boy or girl who gets your pencil case can keep the pencils sharp.

  • A RUBBER – Just in case of mistakes!

  • AND A €2 OR £2 COIN – To help get the pencil cases to Swaziland and to buy paper there.

In N Ireland contact Gerry on: 079 17818640 or in ROI Linda: 086 8586337