Vacancy for organist and musical director
The Select Vestry of Hillsborough Parish Church will shortly begin the process of recruiting a new organist and musical director, following the resignation of Julie Bell who is to train for the ordained ministry.
This is a paid, part–time position of employment.
The successful applicant will be required to play for both morning and evening services on Sunday, according to the church’s pattern of worship, as well as directing both the senior and junior church choirs (including Tuesday evening rehearsals). He or she will also continue to train and develop the voices within the mixed SATB and junior choirs,Additional rehearsals may be required in the build–up to major festivals in the church calendar, such as Advent, Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
At this time, the Vestry is inviting informal inquiries from anyone who might be interested in applying for the post, but who may require further information.
If this is the case, please contact Select Vestry Secretary Derek Gallop, preferably by email: - or by telephone on (028) 92 661953 or by telephone/text on 07899 868344.