Holywood Parish send a team to Uganda
The Vicar of Holywood Parish, Revd Roger Elks, and eleven others are currently visiting the small village of Kkalwe near Luwero in Uganda. Holywood has had personal links with Kkalwe for several years and the team visit will develop this relationship and fellowship. Through the direction of Fields of Life, Holywood Parish hope to share in the work of education and community development.
“It is too easy to be small minded about the work God is doing in His world, “ said The Revd Roger Elks,” We have so much to learn from other Christians around the world. I am sure we will gain far more than we can give.”
This is the second of 3 parish trips, the preparation for which began in the spring. The first was in August to a small parish in Cornwall to run a Children’s holiday club. Twenty six parishioners, most between the ages of 14 –22, and including the Vicar and his wife, travelled to Cornwall.
The third Parish trip will be undertaken by ten others including the Curate, Simon Richardson and Lay Reader, Jim Cheshire. They will travel to Delhi in India and visit the work of Asha, a charity giving educational opportunities to slum dwellers.
2012 has been a year in which the members of Holywood Parish have been discovering their place in God’s world. They have explored how God has called them to be part of His world as individuals, as a local community and as part of the world wide church. After teaching in the previous autumn on God’s mission and the church’s role within it, the year commenced with an Alpha course of up to 60 people. The course was an opportunity for church members to encourage their friends and family to “Come and see”, just as Philip had invited Nathaniel.