Seagoe MU Branch celebrates 90 years
In early October the Seagoe Branch of the Mothers’ Union celebrated the 90th anniversary of it’s founding.
Branch leader, Winnie McLoughlin, organised an afternoon tea party in the Parish Centre for members and invited guests. Approximately 90 attended, including three ladies from the MU in Seagoe’s link parish of Zion in Dublin. In addition to the refreshments, the MU committee had organised a variety of entertainment co–ordinated by the Girls’ Brigade Acting Captain, Jenny Chambers. The girls of the Brigade performed a variety of musical pieces, as did some invited guests.
At 7.00 pm Members and friends gathered in Church, together with the regular congregation, to celebrate the anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiving. Revd Canon Robert Howard (Diocesan Chaplain) addressed the gathering near the start of the service. Mrs. Roberta Rogers (Diocesan President) read one of the scripture passages and Lady Christine Eames (former World–wide President) gave the address. All present thoroughly enjoyed the events and prayed that Mothers’ Union will continue to flourish in Seagoe.
The parish has a large and active branch of approximately 80 members. Members contribute significantly to the life of the church and an anniversary initiative has been a committment to encourage new families. Members of the Mother’s Union will present those who bring their children for thanksgiving or Baptism with a useful book of prayers and scripture readings by members of the MU. Anniversary cards will also be sent to them for the years following until they are old enough to attend Sunday School.
Winnie McLoughlin presented the first two such books at a recent Baptism service in church. In addition Winnie was presented with one of the babies to carry round the church during the congregation’s welcome of the newly baptised.