100,000 downloads for BRF Bible Apps
While surveys show that daily Bible reading is an uphill struggle for many Christians, with time pressure, relevance and simply knowing where to start being key reasons, there appears to be no shortage of interest in trying new ways to solve the problem.
Abingdon–based Christian charity the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) launched their first daily Bible reading notes app, based on their New Daylight series, in February 2010. Two more apps have followed, based on their Guidelines notes (offering a wider breadth of theological viewpoints) and Day by Day with God, daily reading notes written by women for women. Today downloads of their three apps have passed 100,000, with readers spread worldwide.
“We are delighted with the progress of the apps,” said Karen Laister, BRF Deputy CEO. “It has been a steep learning curve and we are continuing to listen to what our customers say and working on app improvements. BRF is known for its products and ministries that aim to help people explore Christianity creatively and grow in faith. The apps provide our content in a format that people on the move need, to accommodate regular Bible reading into their busy lives.”
The apps have been developed for BRF by Aimer Media, one of the UK’s leading app developers, noted for their work with publishers and cultural organisations. All three apps have similar features:
Opens to the exact reading for that date
Keeps track of readings missed to allow later reading
Readings can be browsed by Bible book, contributor or date
Font size can be changed for reading comfort
Favourite readings can be saved for future use
Readings can be shared by email
Customer feedback has been generally encouraging, especially for the Day by Day with God app.
To find out more about BRF Bible daily reading note apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
click here