100 major charities in joint campaign to end the hunger trap
Almost a billion young people will be permanently trapped in poverty by 2025 because of the damage done to them by hunger and malnutrition when they were children, according to a major new campaign. The “IF” campaign marks the biggest coming–together of the UK’s major development agencies and faith groups since Make Poverty History in 2005, with more than 100 organisations taking part, and support from philanthropist Bill Gates, and Desmond Tutu.
A report released by the ‘IF’ campaign warns of the human and economic cost of hunger in a world where there is enough food to feed everyone. As well as the 937 million young people whose life chances will be permanently damaged by the impact of childhood hunger by 2025, the report estimates that malnutrition will be costing developing countries an annual £78 billion in lost economic output by 2030.
IF we give enough aid to stop children dying from hunger, and help the poorest people feed themselves through investment in small farmers.
IF we stop big companies dodging taxes on the profits they make overseas, so that the poorest countries have the resources and infrastructure to free themselves of hunger.
IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use the available agricultural land to grow food for people, not to grow biofuels for cars.
IF we force governments and big corporations to be honest and open about the actions they take that stop people getting enough food.
Taking action on the evasion of corporation tax by multinational companies alone would enable developing countries to raise enough revenue every day to save the lives of 230 children under 5 currently dying because of malnutrition.
Comedian and actor Eddie Izzard was born in Yemen before living and going to school in Northern Ireland, where the G8 Summit will be held in June.
Speaking of his support for Enough Food for Everyone IF, Eddie Izzard said: ‘If I hadn’t been born in Yemen maybe I wouldn’t be so interested in international politics. Maybe I wouldn’t realise how British politics affect whether children live or die abroad. IF is a tiny, but powerful word. IF is about hope. IF is about believing in the power that every person has to help transform the world. We can make 2013 the beginning of the end for the global hunger crisis. IF we all get together, we can make world leaders change the future by tackling the root causes of hunger. Please join us at www.enoughfoodif.org.’
Other high profile supporters including actors Bill Nighy, Keeley Hawes and Bonnie Wright, musician Baaba Maal, athletes Denise Lewis and Colin Jackson, and rugby legend Matt Dawson.
Desmond Tutu supports Enough Food for Everyone IF and said: ’Hunger is not an incurable disease or an unavoidable tragedy. We can make sure no child goes to bed hungry. We can stop mothers from starving themselves to feed their families. We can save lives. We can do all of this, IF we are prepared to do something about it. IF we challenge our leaders to take action. IF they listen to us. It’s time the world’s decision–makers came to the right decision on hunger. It’s time to end the unnecessary suffering caused by the failure of the current food system. We can make hunger a thing of the past IF we act now.’
Member agencies include Beyond Skin, Christian Aid, CADA (Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies NI), Concern Worldwide (UK), Disability Aid Abroad, Fields of Life, Global Education Network NI (GENNI), NUS, Oxfam Ireland, Save the Children, SERVE, Tearfund, Trócaire and War on Want NI.
If enough people show they care, world leaders will have to act. Join us at www.enoughfoodif.org