Bishop Justin Welby is now Archbishop of Canterbury–elect
A medieval ceremony has begun the process of the Rt Revd Justin Welby becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The College of Canons of Canterbury Cathedral last week unanimously elected Bishop Justin Welby as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury.
The 35–strong College of Canons, made up of senior clergy and lay people from the Diocese of Canterbury, met at Canterbury Cathedral’s 14th–century Chapter House to take part in the formality, which dates back more than 1000 years.
The process of electing the next Archbishop of Canterbury by the cathedral community is enshrined within its constitution and can only take place once a Congé d’Élire and Letter Missive from the Crown has been received.
The ceremony was chaired by the Dean of Canterbury, Robert Willis. As is traditional, the candidate was not invited to attend the ceremony, and only one name featured on the ballot sheet for the College of Canons to select.
The Dean of Canterbury Cathedral Reverend Dr Robert Willis said: “The decision we made this morning is taken formally to London.
“In St Paul’s Cathedral on February 4, I shall present this to the Queen’s commission.
“They will say that is valid, legal and right and at that moment Justin Welby becomes in all powers the Archbishop of Canterbury.”
The Archbishop’s public ministry will be inaugurated at Canterbury Cathedral on 21 March 2013.