Enough food to feed everyone IF …you ask G8 leaders to act in Enniskillen in June
The IF campaign was launched in Northern Ireland on 23 January and in towns around N. Ireland on 24 and 25 January. IF marks the biggest coming–together of the UK’s major development agencies and faith groups since Make Poverty History in 2005, with more than 100 organisations taking part.
The campaign calls on David Cameron to use the UK’s G8 Summit in Enniskillen in June to take action on the root causes of the hunger crisis in the poorest countries. It argues that there is enough food for everyone:
IF we give enough aid to stop children dying from hunger, and help the poorest people feed themselves through investment in small farmers.
IF we stop big companies dodging taxes on the profits they make overseas, so that the poorest countries have the resources and infrastructure to free themselves of hunger.
IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use the available agricultural land to grow food for people, not to grow biofuels for cars.
IF we force governments and big corporations to be honest and open about the actions they take that stop people getting enough food.We want our leaders to act on the four big issues that stop everyone getting enough food.
‘We believe in a God of abundance and justice who wants to see the hungry fed’ says Tim Magowan, Tearfund’s Northern Ireland Director. ‘With the G8 leaders coming to Enniskillen in June, Northern Irish Christians have a once in a lifetime opportunities to speak out against one the biggest injustices of our time : Hunger.’
Contact the Tearfund Northern Ireland offices or click onto www.tearfund.org/nireland to order your free Recipe for Change church resource today and join the campaign to help combat hunger.
(Read more about IF here)