• 21 February 2013

Join the Willowfield Year Out Team

Each year Willowfield Church takes on a team of people committed to a year of service, training and discipleship. Joining the Year Out Team provides opportunity to: intern as you joins taff team in the daily and ongoing work of the church, train with the team as you broaden your perspective, sharpen skills and discover gifts, and continually put what you learn into practice.

The cost per person is £1500, excluding travel costs and any visa costs incurred.

Download an information sheet here


George Newell, email: george@wpcabelfast.co.uk


Willowfield Parish Community Association and Willowfield Parish Church of Ireland 

operate side by side under common leadership with the purpose to realise God’s 

kingdom in our lives, the church, this community and the world. We exist to build 

congregations, teams and individuals who will encourage and support one another in 

taking God’s Kingdom of grace into our community and city. Our greatest interest is to 

see lives changed by the redeeming love and power of Jesus Christ.

For more about Willowfield Parish Church www.willowfieldchurch.co.uk