Make this Sunday a day of prayer for marriage
Churches are invited pray this Sunday, ahead of the big House of Commons vote about redefining marriage on Tuesday 5 February.
Here, are some prayer points to help:
That marriage will not be redefined, and that real marriage will be promoted in society for the good of all.
That as many MPs as possible will vote against the Bill to redefine marriage.
For David Burrowes MP and others, as they lead opposition to the Government’s plans in the House of Commons.
For the Coalition for Marriage group as it campaigns to defend the true meaning of marriage.
For politicians and others in public life to have the courage to stand up for what is right and true.
For the news media, that they would report the issue widely, fairly, and accurately.
That the true consequences of redefining marriage would be publicly known and properly discussed.
That people would not face discrimination, in the workplace or elsewhere, because of their sincere beliefs about marriage.
The following written prayer may also be of help:
Heavenly Father,We thank you for the gift of marriage which you established at the dawn of time, to be a blessing for all generations throughout the earth, down through the ages.We pray that you would fill each and every marriage with your love and grace, and that every husband and wife would know the joy that comes from sharing and giving.We thank you for establishing marriage to be a secure and stable environment for raising children.We pray for all those who do not enjoy those blessings, remembering that you are a father to the orphan and a husband to the widow.We pray, as you have commanded us, for those in positions of civil authority.We pray that our Government will act with wisdom and righteousness, upholding marriage as the voluntary union of one man to one woman for life, for the good of all people.We pray for forgiveness for our nation, as our Government seeks to redefine marriage. We pray that these plans would fail.And we pray for ourselves, that we would speak out in support of marriage with gentleness and kindness, but also with courage and confidence.In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.
From The Christian Institute, supported by Evangelical Alliance, CARE, Christian Concern and the Christian medical Fellowship.