• 01 March 2013

Ballybeen Parishioner’s story has a happy ending

The Stephen Nolan Programme recently featured Ballybeen parishioner, John Leishman.

A few years ago 92 year old John, who served in World War II at El Alamein and Normandy found himself in dire straits but was helped to rebuild his life by Age NI…

“When war veteran John McMillan Leishman lost his beloved wife of 67 years he was left living hand to mouth.

As well as having to deal with the pain of Florence’s death, the 92–year–old had to re–assess his finances which forced him to cut back on what he spent on food.

‘I was living hand to mouth after Florence died’, said John.  For months after she passed away in May 2008, I felt completely lost. Money was tight, even though I don’t smoke or gamble, so I started cutting corners on food and I wasn’t eating very much.

‘I couldn’t afford to go out anywhere either and I started to feel as though my life had gone too — until I contacted Age NI.”

You can finish the story, which has a happy ending, on the Age NI website here. We applaud the work of Age NI. Spread the word!