• 12 April 2013

Join the JIMS Crew for a year

The Crew is a program started by the JIMS Project to give young adults an opportunity to volunteer for a year, serving God by serving the community of Kilkeel. 

The Crew members play a vital role in nurturing the young people of Kilkeel towards a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This is youth work at it’s best: staying up late to talk, having cups of tea with a young person, staffing JIMS programs and activities, and encouraging fellow youth workers. 

Crew members are nurtured with weekly group Bible Studies, a two week training course at the beginning of the year, one–on–one time with their supervisor, and on–going training throughout the year.

Who is it for?

The Crew is for any young adult (18–25) ready and eager to give up one year of his/her life and be committed to the work of God through Jims Youth Centre.

The Crew programme corresponds with most university school years. The start date is in late August, and the year finishes early the next August.

The Crew programme costs £1000 and covers the following living expenses: house, internet, heat, and training for the entire year.

Download more info here.

Contact: Ivan Henderson, email: ivan@thejimsproject.org.uk

Website: www.thejimsproject.org.uk